This small talk went on for a brief period and she asked about my experience. I told her I did my first sprint six weeks after I took my first swim lesson. I went on to tell her that was in October and I am doing a half ironman in New Orleans in April, Augusta Half in September, and Ironman Cozumel in November. Honestly, I know she was trying to hold back, but she looked at me like I was crazy! I’m not kidding!!! Then she asked if I had ever done a marathon. I said…NOPE! Ironman will be my first marathon! You REALLY should have seen her face then!!! Holy Cow! She looked at me like I was a dead man walking! Guys I am NOT kidding!
Although my intentions and abilities were being questioned by this person, I for one did not doubt my abilities for one second! I found it interesting that maybe she was placing her doubt on me. She was a very fit woman and has done several Half Ironman’s but never a full. I wonder why she doubted her abilities to go long. Yet I, clearly less fit and athletic, am willing to put it all on the line! No doubts just heart! I know she didn’t mean anything by it, but she will be one of the people I think about when I cross the line in New Orleans.
By the way, the Finis Lap counter is a GREAT investment! It keeps track of you laps and splits. I will say, however, the suction cups on the back of the items doesn’t stick to the wall very well. I usually keep it on top of the lane.
On to my swim, this was cut short due to the YMCA’s overcrowding and over booking of the pool! Ugh! I am seriously two seconds from canceling my membership there! Anyway, I was able to time a few 100’s and realized I am consistently swimming 40 seconds faster per 100 than my Critical Swim speed test a few weeks ago! I am definitely getting stronger!
Good for you.